We are full of bad news, of people talking without saying anything at all times on the radio, on television, in newspapers. People who are believed to own the lives of others, believe they can do and undo the Earth at will …
The truth is that they are desperate, they are living and abusing the last moments of our stay at this level, the new ways starting to show in the shadows, in the small corners that I discover at each output on my level of aluminum …
This image is the sample (right), three months ago what you see here as green were flames, was the fire of our ignorance and indolence, then came the shadow of government stupidity to ashes and blackened trunks. Now, go out there and I realized that now remains of the wound than we produce in our forest are healing.
Partly for that will of organized society, for their tireless forest rangers and firefighters, who now serve as instructors, guides and storytellers. The team of the technical committee of the “La Primavera” forest continues at the front of the battlefield supported by thousands of citizens and cyclists that we become the eyes and hands of the same forest struggling to stay alive.
Now we can go back looking like green, damp caresses us as we cross with respect and admiration for the stoic ability to forgive our faults, our omissions, and the candor to offer life again, and embrace a fresh start with Friday more. ..