Nearby Tapalpa

Tapalpa is a Magic town, but its magic is not limited by the “adobe” walls or the stoned streets that force to us the people from the city to going slow and enjoy the fresh air of the mountain. For us that live here, we have the opportunity to relish not only in Tapalpa but in several little towns and corners so far as 20 miles around. In the right picture we can see the last part of a downhill to the Juanacatlan town, an exhilarating ride going down from 9440 ft to 8270 ft in bit more 2 miles. Is an adrenaline doses only to take a breath before to return to the origin point, Atemajac de Brizuela.If take a detailed sight you can see two riders going forward my camera…

In the next picture we can see to Fer ahead, followed by Rober (who is hidden behind a tree) and Tom taking velocity just to the beginning of the “Juanacatlan downhill”… They are lift the dust up for all the other that will start the downhill just behind them, and for all those that will close the platoon, we’ll collect the dust in our jerseys, our skin, the glasses and  the helmet… but wow! To enjoy for these majestic riding between trees, discovering a valley just for few seconds, was a delightonly interrupted when we need to grab the handlebars to avoid going out of the way…  fall down.

Following picture, all us here grouped again (but no Pepe, Victor and Alex, each one with his own story), taking a stretch of freeway (300 meters), saying goodbye to Juanacatlan to line up toward Ferreria de Tula, another beautiful and hidden little town in this mountain, to where we’d arrive after crossing several miles over fields and woodland pastures dotted with dust and dry ground.

Almost, almos there, within 3 miles of our goal. Riding this magical combination of hot sun and cool winter polar air coming up to this corner of our land, making cold sweat, cold and out of our skin with only one looking out of the sun, and we felt we were close to the ride end today, after 25 miles riding, climbing, descending, enjoying and of course…hard breathing to achieve make that each pedal bring to us a bit beyond where we had never gone, so we finished this shot, this personal test, this reunion with us and with whose that morning were encouraged to ride!

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