Ride ahead

he, he, he, I’m taking this former Intel slogan used some months ago (leap ahead), “ride ahead” sounded good to start this post. In the picture you can see to Charly in fact, “ride ahead”…

The end of 2011 is near and some of us took a bit to gone and say goodbye to a year of great rides, new starting, and new encounters with friends and paths… This time the sky gifted to us a radiant day, clear and with a sun that could be much heard but in order to it was flirting with the northern winter wind, we didn’t suffer it…. See the picture and verify it

Buddies in the ride, we take the adventure in our forest,
in downhills…

Climbing up …

Crossing the entrails of our dear forest…

Our forest, refuses to perish, it has been here before the man arrived to this land. It is now the moment to do more than just complain in the coffee conversation with the friends or send emails to stop to the people without common sense that want to destroy  the forest only to building his ” Little House on the Prairie”… what for?
Just to see how they are becoming the forest in a desert? 

I hope that the ones that it supposes will protect the forest, starting at least removing the fences than are struggling the animals and plants, who are the real owners of this land.


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