Some days ago I was riding close to “The treasure hill”, southern of my city and I faced this really sad view…
In the announce it says: “Landscapes of the Treasure” that hill is called the Treasure Hill… at this moment it is a dry piece of land… |
The most frustrating is that in fact, there will be people that will believe and buy those lands, becoming part of another “eco-cide” in this kind city. This town that in a mirage of a misunderstood of developing is being destroyed itself. .. Instead of at least one of the millions that live here think in reforest this hill, or to create a park for the neighborhood… no, they cut and fall down the last trees in that part, it flattens the land that earth took centuries to create and then next summer with more cement and concrete the temperature will increase till more, in this once flowers’ city.
Some month ago we rode and climbed this hill in bicycle, we challenged ourselves and enjoyed this mountain corner in the city… today simply it will concrete and cartoon boxes surrounded by cars every time slower that will try to transit…
Whatever it cost to plant more trees, to create a jogging trail, get away the automobiles from the environs of the hill?